Smartphone maker Xiaomi has become one of the biggest Chinese brands to be publicly criticised by the state television station CCTV, after a report on Sunday night attacked the quality of its charging units.中国智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)已沦为受到官方的中央电视台抨击的仅次于本土品牌之一,周日晚播映的一个栏目批评了小米电池宝的质量。In a measure of how far Xiaomi has come in just four years as a technology company, it has now joined Apple and Nikon in being censured on air. Previously, CCTV had criticised Apple for threatening Chinese national security with its iPhone location features; and Nikon for failing to remove spots from the lens of its D600 camera.小米早已重新加入苹果(Apple)和尼康(Nikon)等大品牌的行列,受到央视的指责,这突显出这家科技公司在短短4年里获得的进展有多大。此前央视曾抨击苹果的iPhone定位功能对中国的国家安全性构成威胁,而尼康没能除去其D600照相机镜头的斑点。CCTV has also singled out the US coffee shop chain Starbucks – which has more than 1,000 branches in China – for being too expensive.央视还曾把矛头指向星巴克(Starbucks),称之为这家在中国有1000多家分店的美国咖啡连锁店要价过低。
Some analysts say this focus on foreign brands was driven by economic nationalism and a corruption-fighting zeal – which plays well with Chinese viewers.一些分析师回应,对国外品牌咬住不放,是由经济民族主义和反腐疯狂驱动的——这个角度甚能顺应中国观众。However, CCTV’s own reputation has been damaged in recent months after nearly a dozen of its executives appeared to be detained in an anti-corruption sweep – including the head of the flagship consumer affairs programme.不过,央视自己的声誉在近几个月受到伤害,10来名高管或许在反腐斗争中被拘押,还包括旗舰消费者事务节目的负责人。
Xiaomi’s offence is relatively prosaic: in a 20-minute programme devoted to mobile phone chargers, CCTV said it had found that only three of the dozens it tested were up to standard – and Xiaomi’s performed only half as well as advertised.小米的罪过比较沉闷:央视在一个探讨于手机电池宝的20分钟栏目中回应,在拒绝接受测试的几十个样品中,只有3个合格;小米的电池宝偏差亲率多达50%。But, given the fierce competition for market share in China’s booming smartphone industry – the world’s largest – such a denunciation by state TV is potentially damaging.但是,鉴于中国蓬勃发展的智能手机行业(全球规模仅次于)对市场份额的竞争十分激烈,官方电视台的这种指责潜在具备破坏力。Most brands, faced with the ire of the most powerful media force in China, tend to be contrite, make apologies, offer refunds – and hope to move on. Xiaomi, however, went on the offensive, and accused CCTV of doing the tests using a knock-off charger rather than an authentic one.多数品牌在面临中国最弱大媒体势力的反击时,偏向于回应愧疚,致歉,获取付款——并期望尽早翻越这一页。
小米则以攻为守,谴责央视用山寨(而不是真品)电池宝做到测试。“The chargers were not purchased from official channels,” said Xiaomi in a written statement. “The authenticity of the products in the tests [was] not verified. Xiaomi has been agitated by knock-off products, hurting the rights and interests of Xiaomi fans.”“抽样调查的小米移动电源是通过非小米官方及许可渠道出售,”小米在一份书面声明中回应。“检测产品皆为市场上随机抽样出售,并不对真假负责管理。小米仍然备受山寨假货的后遗症,青睐小米的用户常常被山寨产品侵犯权益。
”It added the company, its users, “and even national quality inspection agencies and the media are victims of knock-off products”.小米补足称之为,该公司、公司产品的用户,“甚至国家质量监督检测机构和媒体,都沦为了山寨产品的受害者”。Some observers had fun with Xiaomi’s statement. Sina’s Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblog, had a steady feed throughout the day of comments on the irony that Xiaomi phones themselves bear an uncanny resemblance to Apple’s iPhones. “Xiaomi IS a knock-off brand,” said a Weibo user going by the handle of Pioneer B.一些仔细观察人士嘲笑小米的声明。类似于Twitter的中国微博平台——新浪微博(Weibo)昨日一整天都有人体育节目一个嘲讽的事实,即小米手机本身在外形上貌似苹果的iPhone。一个新浪微博用户称之为,小米自己就是一个山寨品牌。
With its popular combination of high-end handsets at low-end prices, Xiaomi is by some estimates the largest selling smartphone in China. Its shipments in China grew 240 per cent year on year to 15.1m in the second quarter, according to research by Canalys.按照某些估算,以高端手机和低端价格这一热门人组关上局面的小米,是中国销量仅次于的智能手机品牌。根据市场研究公司Canalys的数据,第二季度小米在中国市场的出货量同比激增240%,至1510万台。
Other consultancies put rival Lenovo in the number one spot.其他咨询公司将其竞争对手误解(Lenovo)分列在第一位。Xiaomi, which was founded in 2010, is privately owned and was valued at $10bn in its last fundraising round a year ago.正式成立于2010年的小米是一家私有企业,在一年前的上一轮筹资中,公司估值为100亿美元。